Wildlife Congregations Book Launch Event, June 24

We are delighted to announce the following activity. We hope you can come!
The New Westminster Ministerial is supporting a Book Event to celebrate the launch of the Rev’d Laurel Dykstra’s book Wildlife Congregations: A Priest’s Year of Gaggles, Colonies and Murders by the Salish Sea. 
The event is June 24 at 7:30 in the Sanctuary of St Barnabas/Shiloh-5th Ave Church.
Laurel will be there. The book will be there. It’s an opportunity to support and discover a faith-filled, humourous and spiritual account of encounters with a lot of creatures. 
We hope to see you there/then
Emilie S. and Shannon T. (for the New West Ministerial)

Thrift Store SALE

From our Thrift Store…

Update on the HUGE SALE folks.
Not only are the pink and white clothing tags 50% OFF I have added 25% off the green clothing tags and EVERYTHING ELSE!!!
SALE continues until JUNE 22