1010 5th Avenue, New Westminster, B.C.
V3M 1Y5 ~ 604-526-6646 ~ stbarna@telus.net
~ you are welcome any time ~
Sunday Service with Holy Eucharist 10:00am
Wednesday Service with Holy Eucharist 10:30 am
Services are live streamed at 10:00am Sunday mornings on our Facebook page
St Barnabas is in the Brow of the Hill neighbourhood in New Westminster. We are a pilgrim place. Wherever you are on your journey, you are welcome to come and explore with us.
St. Barnabas is an open community welcoming all – skeptics, seekers, believers. We are diverse and lively, committed to loving and transforming our world.
Worship is at the heart of our creative and caring faith community. We stand with one another, declaring that all people are God’s beloved and the world is God’s creation. We reach out to our local neighbourhood with compassion, justice and love. Living in “simple abundance,” we strive to share our blessings and to invite people to participate in a place where all gifts are welcomed, encouraged and shared.
Sunday’s readings can be found here: The Revised Common Lectionary – the common lectionary readings used throughout the year by the Anglican Church.
Whether you are a life-long Anglican, new to the church, or just wondering what role faith might play in your life, please know that you are most welcome here.
Celebrate the Spirit ~ PRAY quietly
WORSHIP joyfully ~ Be in COMMUNITY
Teach your children the story of LOVE
Enjoy the BEAUTY of our courtyard
Challenge the LIES of consumerism
Share a meal with FRIENDS