Week of Prayer for Christian Unity Event, January 21st

Join us for an ecumenical prayer service at St. Peter’s (330 Royal Avenue, New Westminster) on Tuesday, January 21, at 7:00 pm to mark the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity. The prayers and reflections have been prepared by the brothers and sisters of the monastic community of Bose in northern Italy. The year 2025 will mark the 1,700th anniversary of the First Ecumenical Council. This commemoration provides a unique opportunity to reflect on and celebrate the common faith of Christians as expressed in the Creed formulated at that Council. The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2025 is an invitation to draw on this common heritage and to enter more deeply into the faith that unites all Christians.

Journey Towards Reconciliation event September 28

This event has been organized by Mt. Zion Lutheran Church in New Westminster. Here is more information from Mt. Zion about the event.

Can you imagine if a group of people came into our churches and said, “You can no longer believe what you believe about God, and you can no longer do any of the rituals or practices you do. You must adopt OUR practices and beliefs, and ours only, and you will be punished for doing otherwise.”

This is the third year of an annual event that supports community member engagement as we all Journey TowardsReconciliation. 

The National Truth and Reconciliation 94 Calls to Action, specifically #48 and #60, ask us to learn and understand Indigenous Spirituality. This event is the work of volunteers from the New Westminster Ministerial Association (a group of faith-based organizations in the City of New Westminster).

We have the support of the QayQayt First Nation and The Spirit of the Children Society. A member of the QayQayt First Nation will open the event and Steven Seegerts, from Urban Aboriginal Ministry, will be featured along with two others who will share with us ‘The 7 Sacred Teachings’ through storytelling and music (also called ‘The 7 Sacred Grandmothers/Grandfathers’).

We will be offering Bannock, plus the Bannock Queen Food Truck will be onsite for other Indigenous treats at a cost. There will be an opportunity for people to make their own Prayer Tie or, should they wish, take a kit home to do at a time that works best for them.

The objective of this event is to recognize, highlight and elevate Indigenous knowledge, expertise, perspective and experience. At the same time, it is an opportunity to connect, neighbour to neighbour, as we learn together from our Indigenous siblings. 

This is not about the faith groups within the Ministerial Association. It is a joint goal to live out and support justice for all members of our communities. Our hope is to provide an opportunity where neighbours can come to learn more about Indigenous Spiritual Practices in the beautiful and nature-filled spaces in and around the Queen’s Park Bandshell.

Those stopping by will have the opportunity to enjoy some Bannock, spend a relaxing afternoon with friends and family and possibly meet new people, all while learning what it means to journey together, and individually, Towards Reconciliation.